DA Direkt. Digital First. Website-Relaunch and Brand Digitalisation

New website, new branding, new perception: digital refresh for direct insurance

Einblick in die neue Website von DA Direkt auf einem Tablet

At a glance

  1. 01The challenge Stronger brand positioning, optimised conversion and growth
  2. 02Our approach. Fullservice for comprehensive brand and website relaunch
  3. 03The result. Digitalised brand. Online platform with high performance. Strong focus on users
  • Sector

    • Insurance
  • Disciplines

    • Strategy & Consulting
    • Project management
    • User Experience & Design
    • Content: Production / Migration
    • Technical implementation (FF & BE)
    • Testing
    • DevOps
    • Operations
  • Year

    • 2019 - 2020
  • Tech Stack

    • Sitecore
    • Azure Cloud
  • Services

    • Experience platforms
    • Fullservice
    • Digital Strategy

The challenge.

DA Direkt is subsidiary of swiss insurance group Zurich. As a direct insurance it’s based in a highly competitive market. In order to differentiate themselves, the digital competencies have been enhanced on the website â€“ with a complementary focus on personal customer service. The new strategy requires a modern and fresh look & feel and an easy digital experience. The main purpose of the website with the new brand experience is to increase conversion and optimize usability on every device. That’s where the fullservice digital agency Merkle comes into the game...

Our approach.

Combination of Kanban & predictive.

Our method follows the purpose and situation: Due to the short timeline and clear goals we use a predictive-method during the inception phase and Kanban with agile development for the implementation.

A/B-testing – safe POC.

In order to verify optimized UX and usability of the new online presence, we did an A/B-test. The result shows: our new website and brand will indeed increase conversion rates.

Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA).

DA Direkt used an older version of the Sitecore system before. The new version is very convincing with its modular architecture at a moderate price.

Mobile first approach.

Consistent with the expected user behaviour we chose a responsive design and mobile first approach.

Innovative customer experience with clear user focus.

New logo and new tonality.

Insurance expressions? Thanks but no. With the new website DA Direkt says goodbye to complicated wordings and boring texts. Instead we use a more open tonality and a simpler, user-focused language. Moreover we design a new logo, symbolizing the new image of DA Direkt.

Einblick in die neue Website von DA Direkt auf dem Smartphone und weitere Branding-Elemente

Styleguide for a perfect design.

The new styleguide offers DA Direkt important guidance to a user-focused design of the online platform. In this guide you can find a new claim, a smart designed visual concept as well as modern colours and fonts. That’s how we break down the branding concept to a visual stage and make the implementation easier for DA Direkt.

The result: a highly performant website with matching user experience

On the new online platform users can find the insurance they need very fast – thanks to an optimized customer experience and intuitive design. The new tonality makes even complicated insurance products easy to understand. The website makes it possible to complete an insurance contract on mobile devices easily.

DA Direkt gets a lot closer to its customers due to this website relaunch – and thus becomes a modern direct insurance. The new CMS is easy to handle and offers many features, simplifying the work of editors. A modern design makes the website relaunch perfect.

Einblick in die neue Website von DA Direkt auf einem Tablet und einem Smartphone
  • for an new branding concept

  • Merkle-experts at work

  • higher conversion by new branding (validated by means of A/B-testing)

Martin Hellinger, Division Manager Digital Sales, DA Direkt
„With digital expertise, a sense for design and fun and joy at working together, Merkle is our perfect and reliable partner for all areas.”
Martin Hellinger, Bereichsleiter Digital Sales, DA Direkt

More success stories.

Do you want to digitalize your brand and optimize your presence on all channels? We support you.

Your contacts at Merkle: Tobias Hollritt for Switzerland, David Haunold for Austria and Benjamin Quitter for Germany