More data, more testing: improved conversion for Bank Cler

We optimize Bank Cler's conversion rate – thanks to efficiently and intelligently used first party data.

Header Cler Bank

At a glance

  1. 01The challengeImprove customer experience and increase conversion
  2. 02Our approachUsing first party data in a smart and agile way - testing included
  3. 03The result+25% improved average conversion rate
BANKCLERCreated with Sketch.
  • Sector

    • Financial services
  • Disciplines

    • Strategy & Consulting
    • Conception
    • User experience & Design
    • Content creation / Migration
    • Project Management (Agile Workflow)
  • Year

    • Since 2017
  • Tech Stack

    • Sitecore Experience Platform
  • Services

    • Digital Marketing

The Challenge

The Swiss Bank Cler is known for tackling financial issues boldly and straightforwardly – from the first account to the inheritance.

One of Bank Cler's goals is to constantly improve its user experience on all channels. After all, a seamless customer experience not only strengthens the brand, but also the conversion rate.

In the past, third party cookies were decisive in designing customer experiences. But the future is cookieless. With Merkle as a partner, the bank wants to leverage the potential of first party data even more efficiently and smartly.

Two smartphones showing new Bank Cler Website

Our approach

Personalizing the customer experience

Based on first party data, we develop personalization and lead-nurturing concepts. The entire customer experience should suit the brand: uncomplicated, fresh and personal.

Continuous testing

We design A/B and personalization tests for the concepts developed, implement them and evaluate them. This all happens in two-week sprints.

Strengthen visibility

SEO consulting helps to steadily increase Bank Cler's organic visibility on all common search platforms.

Continuous improvement

The chosen always-on approach enables us to continuously develop and refine the existing measures - within weeks, not months.

The result: measurably improved conversion and user experience

Optimizing in two-week cycles

In close cooperation and in two-week sprints, the teams from Merkle and Bank Cler analyse existing first party data. The goal: We want to find out how we can sustainably increase the conversion rate. To do this, we optimize the visual appearance, fine-tune wordings and adapt the customer experience to the individual realities of Bank Cler customers' lives.

Afterwards, we will conduct specially designed A/B and personalization tests on the Sitecore Experience platform to test the formulated hypotheses.

Thanks to AI-supported technology, we evaluate the collected data automatically and faster than ever before – and implement insights directly. For optimized marketing with measurable success in real time.

Bank Cler Rich Media 2

Agile, holistic - and tested

Decisive for the success of the project is the chosen always-on approach with two-week sprints. It enables us to act in an agile manner and to demonstrate tangible successes within a very short time. For continuously improved and evolved digital marketing - with measurable results and ROI within weeks, not months.

Another strength is the interdisciplinary project team with experts from the fields of user experience, digital marketing, content management, conversion rate optimisation (CRO), campaigning, SEO and analytics. In this way, we draw on insights from various specialist areas and benefit from a wide range of perspectives - for a holistically designed customer experience. On all channels.

  • Experience Effect* – Average increase in personalization tests

  • Higher conversion rate – Average increase in A/B/n tests

  • Higher Test Success Rate – Rate of tests with significant positive impact


* The Experience Effect reflects the change in the engagement value of website visitors. The engagement value measures how the visitors' interactions contribute to achieving the business goals that are most important to Bank Cler.

Gregor Eicher, Head of Marketing & Sales, Bank Cler

"The collaboration with Merkle is extremely successful due to the structured approach, the analytical-strategic thinking, the focus on feasibility and the support during implementation."
Gregor Eicher Bank Cler

More success stories

You want to increase your conversion rate? We would be happy to advise you.

Your contacts at Merkle: Tobias Hollritt for Switzerland, David Haunold for Austria and Benjamin Quitter for Germany