NXT Intelligence™

Take Advantage of What's Next

New platforms. New startups. New brands. New products. The world is changing at a blistering pace. To succeed in the future, executives need a fast, comprehensive way to understand, explore, and evaluate this ever-changing flood of innovation. And the future is bright for companies willing to keep innovating. Together, we can discover what’s next.

At Merkle, we’ve built NXT Intelligence™, a collection of solutions focused on helping our partners rapidly answer questions about the changing world of technology, innovation, and brand experience. Most importantly, we bring an outside-in perspective to identify opportunities from the perspective of your customer and the world around us.

NXT Intelligence™ Solutions


NXT Platform Analysis: Analyze technology platforms and scorecard and map future-focused solutions.

NXT Emerging Technology Review: Evaluate current emerging technologies, trends, and opportunities.

NXT Innovation Scouting: Scout the global startup community and curate potential collaboration opportunities to expand growth.


NXT Experience Films: A future-state customer experience journey workshop and film.

NXT Innovation Days: Showcase emerging technologies and disruptive trends that spark discussion and ideation and uncover potential opportunities.

Ignite Design Sessions: A workshop to collaboratively critique, rapidly distill, and effectively prioritize ideas around a shared vision.

Product Playground: Co-create new ways to improve product experiences with consumers.

NXT Rapid Testing: Rapid customer feedback and validation analysis of preliminary prototypes, products, and marketing ideas.


Lean Landscape Review: Lean evaluation across categories, competitors, and current customer experiences to identify actionable insights and map and prioritize growth opportunities.

NXT Brand Experience Review: Evaluate current brand experiences, messaging, and visual guidelines across digital platforms to outline enhancement opportunities.

NXT Loyalty Analysis: Analyze current loyalty programs, scorecard offerings, and workshop potential solutions.


Let's talk.

Our team has the depth of expertise to take on any challenge — and we’re always ready to help. So reach out. We can’t wait to hear from you.