Identify Your DTC Value

Identify Your DTC Value

Identify Your DTC Value

Identify Your DTC Value

Identify Your DTC Value

Identify Your DTC Value

Identify Your DTC Value

How to Mature, Scale, and Create Value in Your DTC Strategies

The reasons for moving DTC sit on a spectrum with one end being pure revenue replacement and the other pure data collection. In 2020, the transaction was top of mind, as many consumer goods brands were forced to stand up DTC sites quickly and cheaply as COVID shut down the retail partners they relied on to reach consumers.

Now, the majority of consumer goods brands are moving toward the data end of the spectrum. Launching DTC can be expensive, but for many brands, the value of first-party data – which is difficult to achieve at scale through other methods – is worth the investment. But it’s not easy. Everything from the marketing and customer service to the logistics of order management and delivery of DTC is foreign and the antitheses of how these consumer goods brands were structured.

Whether brands are looking to launch a DTC strategy for the first time or wanting to grow their current strategies into more sustainable and sophisticated approaches, the keys to success reside in self-reflection and planning. Learn how to define your DTC value proposition, leverage data inside and outside of your company, and implement our four-phase DTC maturity methodology.