2019 Loyalty Barometer Report

2019 Loyalty Barometer Report

2019 Loyalty Barometer Report

2019 Loyalty Barometer Report

2019 Loyalty Barometer Report

2019 Loyalty Barometer Report

2019 Loyalty Barometer Report

Due to the quickly-evolving landscape of loyalty marketing, HelloWorld, A Merkle Company, has published our second annual barometer report to keep marketers ahead of the curve.

The current analysis reveals how consumers really feel about reward programs, where mindsets are shifting, and gives a peek into near-term trends, so brands can ensure their strategies are not only current, but remain relevant and impactful.

The report, which is based on a survey of more than 1,500 consumers in the United States, delves in to the following areas:

  • The evolution of the loyalty landscape
  • What consumers expect from loyalty programs
  • Personalization and recognition
  • Preferred ways to earn
  • Driving emotional loyalty
  • Emerging technology and what's on the horizon

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

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