Celebrating Togetherness

I Am Merkle: December 2024 Edition

12.12.2024, Mary Ann Delcher and Sangram Mohite

In this edition of I Am Merkle, we are celebrating the season of togetherness by learning about how two of our team members experience collaboration, team building, and more at the workplace. Read on to explore their personal and professional journeys. 

1. Tell us about yourself; where did you grow up? Where do you live now? 

Mary Ann Delcher (MD): I grew up in Central New Jersey (Middlesex County) and now live in Northern New Jersey (Bergen County), a mile from the New York state border.

Sangram Mohite (SM): I’m an enthusiastic sales professional who believes in living life to the fullest and adding value to people's lives through my deeds and actions. I was born and brought up in Pune, India and continue to stay here.

2. What drew you to your career? How might your values or cultural influences have influenced your career choice?   

MD: I always enjoyed math and solving problems.  When I had to select a major in college, I thought computer science was an excellent fit.  Way back then, most of my classmates were males. It never bothered me that there were few females in my classes. I was never told that I did not belong. I did not have any cultural influences on my choice of a career; it was something I excelled in and enjoyed doing. 

SM: The idea of solving corporate problems using technology and interacting with people across the globe is what drew me to IT Sales. The interest in selling came at a younger age when I used to visit my uncle’s footwear shop in Pune’s biggest and busiest shopping area. Watching them make a successful sale and retrieve customers using various tactics was a learning experience. This experience and my ability to listen and interact well with people is what drew me to sales.  

3. If you could have any occupation in the world, what would it be? 

MD: A meteorologist. Not an on-air personality but one that works for a company like an airline. I find it fascinating how they can predict the weather several days in advance. 

SM: My dream job would be leading an Army Battalion in one of the most strategically important places of India.

4. What is your biggest accomplishment? 

MD: Having three wonderful children. They are now independent young adults with quite different successful careers. My daughter is in the equestrian field as a horse trainer and riding instructor.  My oldest son is a middle school history teacher. My youngest son is a Marine veteran and works in private security. 

SM: On a personal level my biggest accomplishment is building strong bonds with my close friends and family members; I am happy to have built bonds that last for a lifetime.

On the professional front, it is having consistent YoY growth for accounts and adding new logos consistently. The best is yet to come! 

5. What is a moment in your life that defined or shaped who you are today?

MD: I married late in life so I never thought that I would have a family. Having my first child brought a purpose to my life that I did not really have before. Having three kids close together with their many activities showed that I could juggle a career and enjoy the chaos of a very active household.

SM: Without going into specifics, I had an experience that taught me the hard way that staying grounded is important. I think we should be humble and empathetic towards our peers and success should not get to our heads.

6. What inspires you about Merkle’s workplace culture and how does this align with your values? 

MD: I appreciate that Merkle cares about our well-being as much as they care about our career growth. I am an active participant in the Motivational Monday and Wellness Wednesday sessions. I have learned a lot about myself from these sessions and have used the techniques learned to manage stress. 

SM: Being valued, challenged, and heard is what inspires me about Merkle’s workplace culture. I have always believed in equality and providing equal opportunities to all.

7. How do you foster a sense of community with your colleagues?

MD: It is difficult at times working remotely to have a sense of community. However, I make it a point to discuss other topics besides work with my colleagues when time allows. It helps me understand my colleagues better and I enjoy our conversations. 

SM: I have been a part of Extentia's sales team for 10 years now. We foster a sense of community through various activities like:  

  • Collaborating on projects
  • Having healthy competition
  • Encouraging learning and picking up new skills
  • Motivating each other to do more and be more

8. Tell us about a time when you learned the importance of teamwork.

MD: I have volunteered several times with Habitat for Humanity and Appalachian Service Project, and once with Team Rubicon. The importance of teamwork is so apparent during these trips. Not everyone possesses the skills to build or repair a house - I certainly don’t. But with the encouragement of others, I learned that one can step out of their comfort zone, learn something new, and accomplish something great as a team.

SM: I have learned working at Extentia's that it is always WE and not ME while working in a team. There was a time when I had to handle multiple accounts on my own, which resulted in delays in providing deliverables to customers. I had to rope in team members for support and as soon as I got additional helping hands, things got under control. 

Also, it was my team members who taught me the value of being grounded and humble and I owe my boss big time for this lifelong lesson. 

9. What is your favorite workplace team building activity or tradition throughout the year and what makes it significant to you?

MD: There is a small group of us in a book club called the Boston Book Nook. We gather remotely about once a month to discuss whatever book we have read. This has brought a diverse group of co-workers together to enjoy an hour discussing a common, non-work related, theme. I look forward to this conversation every month. 

SM: We have the Extentia Premier League (XPL), a year-long team competition that includes events like playing football, cricket, and quiz. These events bring out the best team spirit and are good team building activities where we come together. Team outings and dinners are super stress busters and play a key role in strengthening our bond.

10. Rapid fire: 


  • Favorite food? Chicken parmesan
  • Favorite book? Once a Warrior: How One Veteran Found a New Mission Closer to Home by Jake Wood 
  • Favorite podcast? Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers
  • Favorite TV show/movie? Northern Exposure (I don’t watch many TV shows these days!)
  • Favorite hobby/activity? Being out in nature: apple picking, putting my feet in the ocean, taking a hike in the woods, visiting National Parks and taking pictures along the way.
  • Guilty pleasure? Seeing as many hockey games on TV or in person as possible. Go Devils! 
  • Favorite quote? What would you do if you weren’t afraid?  Then think: What’s the worst that can happen?
  • Best advice or mantra to live by?

"If you can’t fly, then run,

if you can’t run, then walk,

if you can’t walk, then crawl,

but whatever you do, you have to keep moving”

-Martin Luther King


  • Favorite food? Butter Chicken 
  • Favorite book? The Tatas – By Girish Kuber 
  • Favorite podcast? TRS 
  • Favorite TV show/movie? TV Show – Two and a Half Men; Movie – Kabhi Haa Kabhi Naa
  • Favorite hobby/activity? Playing football and volleyball 
  • Guilty pleasure? Singing alone in the car
  • Favorite quote? “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on.” – Dale Carnegie
  • Best advice or mantra to live by? Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present
Mary Ann Delcher and Sangram Mohite Headshots

About the Contributors

Mary Ann Delcher | Business Systems Analyst – Merkle

Mary Ann has been with Merkle for 15 years, following the acquisition of ANALYTICi in 2009. In her role as Business Systems Analyst, she primarily works with retail clients. 

Sangram Mohite | Senior Business Development Manager – Extentia, A Merkle Company 

Sangram Mohite is a Sr. Business Development Manager at Extentia, a Merkle company, with 12 years of experience in IT Sales. He specializes in pitching Salesforce Solutions, Account Management, Sales Operations, and Revenue Growth. His role involves adding new customers to the portfolio and building long-term relationships.


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