Driving excellence through a success tracker

Rebecca Kriegbaum, Joseph Patten

Driving excellence through a success tracker

Rebecca Kriegbaum, Joseph Patten

Driving excellence through a success tracker

Rebecca Kriegbaum, Joseph Patten

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Driving excellence through a success tracker

Rebecca Kriegbaum, Joseph Patten

Driving excellence through a success tracker

Rebecca Kriegbaum, Joseph Patten

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Driving excellence through a success tracker

Rebecca Kriegbaum, Joseph Patten

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Driving excellence through a success tracker

Rebecca Kriegbaum, Joseph Patten

A retail group was struggling to drive synergies in their approach to media across their portfolio of disconnected, multi-market brands. Dentsu was tasked with creating a culture of innovation, driving digital maturity forward, and facilitating knowledge-sharing both across brands and more deeply within them.  


The success of the Success Tracker

To achieve this, we found a simple solution to a complex problem. Enter the ‘Success Tracker’, a quarterly distribution of the biggest wins, unsuccessful tests, and most importantly insights across the group. The Success Tracker is a bank of case studies and reports fuelled by data and insight gathered from the extensive range of digital activations across the group. This powerful tool not only demonstrates our collective expertise and innovative approach to digital media, but fosters a richer appetite for testing, creating a culture of continuous learning and improvement for everyone across the agency and client teams.

The tracker plays a crucial role in advancing digital maturity for each brand. A new centralised system enables us to identify group opportunities, emerging trends, and successful strategies. It supports in understanding joint ambitions and facilitates tackling these collectively to efficiently pool resources. This knowledge informs our digital roadmaps, ensuring that each brand evolves at pace and adapts effectively in the dynamic and evolving digital landscape - working together to drive better outcomes for everyone. 


Effective cross-pollination of ideas and insights

The tracker doesn’t and can’t operate in isolation. It actively engages our client group operating team, providing them with glimpses of powerful and innovative work emerging from their individual brands. By showcasing successful case studies, we enable cross-pollination of ideas and insights. For instance, an innovative approach that worked wonders for one brand can inspire and inform others within the group. These insights empower better decision making, foster collaboration, and drive collective progress. In recent months, data in the tracker has been used to support cross-brand expansion of programmatic DCO technology, and has encouraged braver adoption of new Pmax features, after a tentative approach to initial onboarding.

The Success Tracker serves a critical purpose in our mission to drive integration: it acts as a bridge, connecting distinct and autonomous brands within the group’s portfolio - leading to much improved outcomes for all involved.