AI, Data & Personalisation: Untangling the Knots with DMA’s "Customer Engagement: Future Trends" Report

AI, Data & Personalisation: Untangling the Knots with DMA’s "Customer Engagement: Future Trends" Report

AI, Data & Personalisation: Untangling the Knots with DMA’s "Customer Engagement: Future Trends" Report


AI, Data & Personalisation: Untangling the Knots with DMA’s "Customer Engagement: Future Trends" Report

AI, Data & Personalisation: Untangling the Knots with DMA’s "Customer Engagement: Future Trends" Report


AI, Data & Personalisation: Untangling the Knots with DMA’s "Customer Engagement: Future Trends" Report


AI, Data & Personalisation: Untangling the Knots with DMA’s "Customer Engagement: Future Trends" Report

Executives in the C-suite are continuously on the look-out for innovative strategies to maintain consumer interest and deliver value in today's competitive business environment.

The "Customer Engagement: Future Trends 2024" report, sponsored by Merkle, a dentsu company, and Salesforce, is a critical resource that addresses the nuanced challenges these leaders face. 

This research is essential reading for marketing and IT leaders who want to boost their strategy and the bottom line.


Addressing the Generative AI Dilemma

The integration of generative AI in marketing presents a paradox of maximising efficiency without sacrificing the creative essence that brands thrive on. CMOs and CIOs are tasked with finding a sweet spot whereby implementing AI can generate personalised content at scale while maintaining the emotional depth, authenticity and trust that resonate with consumers. 

The report provides actionable insights on leveraging AI tools for creativity and efficiency, ensuring that marketing and IT leaders can embrace innovation without losing their brand's human touch.


Navigating Privacy and Personalisation

The approaching demise of third-party cookies has left marketers scrambling to find replacement strategies that maintain personalisation while protecting consumers' privacy. 

There are many facets to this problem, including meeting customer expectations for privacy, developing and implementing technology that adheres to these principles, and collecting and using data ethically. 

The research delves deep into privacy-compliant strategies, including how to leverage first-party data and AI analytics to keep personalisation tactics running smoothly.


The Blend of Digital and Physical Brand Experiences

Creating a cohesive brand experience that merges digital initiatives with physical interactions is increasingly crucial for customer engagement.

Leaders must design strategies that not only appeal to a digitally-savvy audience but also resonate with consumers who value tangible experiences. 

In addition to outlining innovative approaches to incorporating real-life brand experiences, the research emphasises Gen Y preferences and the unique challenges of merging digital and physical experiences.


Leveraging AI for Automation and Advanced Analytics

The promise of AI extends beyond content creation to include the automation of mundane tasks and the enhancement of analytical capabilities. By automating tasks such as keyword research and social media management, businesses can allocate more resources to strategic initiatives. 

Moreover, advanced analytics powered by AI offers deeper insights into customer behaviour and preferences, enabling more effective segmentation and targeting.

The report details how to capitalise on these technologies to foster a data-driven marketing approach.


Strategic Imperatives in a Shifting Landscape

Understanding consumer attitudes towards AI and digital marketing is crucial for adapting strategies that align with evolving expectations. 

The research highlights the importance of strategic innovation and encourages marketing leaders to think outside the box when it comes to AI and find new ways to engage with customers. It provides a blueprint for staying ahead in a challenging landscape by differentiating through the creative and strategic use of technology.


So, why read this report?

The "Customer Engagement: Future Trends 2024" report is more than just a collection of insights; it's a guidebook for CMOs and CIOs facing the pressures of modern marketing and implementing technology that supports it. 

By addressing the core challenges of integrating AI, navigating privacy concerns, blending digital and physical experiences, and leveraging advanced analytics, this report equips leaders with the knowledge to forge ahead confidently.

Salesforce and Merkle, as sponsors of this research, bring together a powerful combination of CRM capabilities and digital marketing expertise. Salesforce's AI-enhanced CRM platform enables precise customer insights and automation, facilitating personalised marketing at scale while ensuring data privacy. 

As a leading Salesforce Agency and Implementation Partner, Merkle complements this by offering advanced CXM technology services and strategy formulation to connect with diverse audiences effectively. Merkle delivers integrated technology solutions to the challenges identified in the report, driving revenue growth and advancing customer engagement strategies efficiently.

Together, the Salesforce and Merkle partnership represents a strategic alignment of technology and insight, empowering businesses to navigate digital marketing's evolving landscape successfully.


Download the Report here: