How Tealium’s CDP Supports Customer Experience

November 16, 2023, Yung Lin

How Tealium’s CDP Supports Customer Experience

November 16, 2023, Yung Lin

How Tealium’s CDP Supports Customer Experience

November 16, 2023, Yung Lin

Hand holding a magnifying glass
Hand holding a magnifying glass

How Tealium’s CDP Supports Customer Experience

November 16, 2023, Yung Lin

How Tealium’s CDP Supports Customer Experience

November 16, 2023, Yung Lin

Hand holding a magnifying glass AS | MERKLE | B2B Audience-Blog-Imagery

How Tealium’s CDP Supports Customer Experience

November 16, 2023, Yung Lin

Hand holding a magnifying glass AS | MERKLE | B2B Audience-Blog-Imagery
Hand holding a magnifying glass AS | MERKLE | B2B Audience-Blog-Imagery

How Tealium’s CDP Supports Customer Experience

November 16, 2023, Yung Lin

Tealium AudienceStream provides the flexibility to integrate with multiple data sources and was one of the first movers in the CDP space. It is a data-first CDP due to its tag management heritage and provides tools to manage data agnostically across a broad spectrum of data sources. 

Tealium AudienceStream fits in a broader suite of Tealium products to manage real-time data, event stream data hub, and predictive machine learning. It is highly customizable for the ingested data and can leverage any identity pass through the CDP to stitch a single unified view of the customer. 

As the market’s largest independent CDP, Tealium supports more than 1,300 turnkey integrations to help power tools and technology platforms. The breadth of integrations called Connectors allows Tealium to support personalized customer touchpoints across media, social, site, mobile, email, and CRM activation channels. 


Tealium’s New Capabilities That We’re Most Excited About

Tealium AudienceStream is a data-first CDP. As such, there are tools available to view, manage, and cleanse the data beyond the standard CDP. Here are a few examples.

  • Real-time data is accessible to understand audience segmentations and enrichments.

  • Capabilities related to digital data management, such as session versus visitor, are inherently strong due to their tag management history.

  • New attributes, called enrichments, can be created in the UI to accommodate new composite, session-based, and calculated attributes without the use of SQL. 

The flexibility of the data model presents more possibilities to more advanced end users that can take advantage of its capabilities.


Is Tealium’s CDP a Good Fit for Your Brand?

Tealium’s CDP is geared toward B2C clients that are managing large customer databases and digital signals. The strength of Tealium’s CDP is the capability to manage high volumes of real-time data across multiple data sources. 

Highly regulated industries like healthcare are good fits due to the high flexibility of control on data sharing rules. Additionally, large organizations can benefit from the highly customizable data model to create the specific attribute and audience structure across business units. A medium organization would benefit from the scalability of the solution for data sources, activation partners, and advanced UI capabilities. 

The Tealium CDP is ideal for companies that have strong data governance practices, large volumes of real-time data, data sharing requirements, and a mature technical implementation team to manage a highly customizable CDP. 


What’s Next for Tealium’s CDP

Tealium is strengthening their privacy and opt-out partnerships to integrate customer consent.

For more information on Tealium’s CDP solution and how it can help your organization, please reach out to our team. 

A Smarter Approach to CDPs

We’ve done extensive work in designing, implementing, and managing CDPs for top brands and technology partners, and we’re here to help you take the right approach with five crucial steps.

A Smarter Approach to CDPs

We’ve done extensive work in designing, implementing, and managing CDPs for top brands and technology partners, and we’re here to help you take the right approach with five crucial steps.

Maximize Your Martech

A Smarter Approach to CDPs

We’ve done extensive work in designing, implementing, and managing CDPs for top brands and technology partners, and we’re here to help you take the right approach with five crucial steps.


Maximize Your Martech

A Smarter Approach to CDPs

We’ve done extensive work in designing, implementing, and managing CDPs for top brands and technology partners, and we’re here to help you take the right approach with five crucial steps.

Maximize Your Martech

A Smarter Approach to CDPs

We’ve done extensive work in designing, implementing, and managing CDPs for top brands and technology partners, and we’re here to help you take the right approach with five crucial steps.


Maximize Your Martech

A Smarter Approach to CDPs

We’ve done extensive work in designing, implementing, and managing CDPs for top brands and technology partners, and we’re here to help you take the right approach with five crucial steps.


A Smarter Approach to CDPs

We’ve done extensive work in designing, implementing, and managing CDPs for top brands and technology partners, and we’re here to help you take the right approach with five crucial steps.

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