Benefits, Maturity Curve, and Use Cases

November 19, 2021, Adam Lavelle

Benefits, Maturity Curve, and Use Cases

November 19, 2021, Adam Lavelle

Content at Scale:

Benefits, Maturity Curve, and Use Cases

November 19, 2021, Adam Lavelle

Content at Scale:

Benefits, Maturity Curve, and Use Cases

November 19, 2021, Adam Lavelle

Content at Scale:

Benefits, Maturity Curve, and Use Cases

November 19, 2021, Adam Lavelle

Content at Scale:

Benefits, Maturity Curve, and Use Cases

November 19, 2021, Adam Lavelle

Benefits, Maturity Curve, and Use Cases

November 19, 2021, Adam Lavelle


In their drive to deliver more personalized experiences at scale, brands are struggling with the considerable strain these efforts place on their content factories. A 2020 Forrester Consulting thought leadership paper commissioned by Adobe reports that 81% of surveyed creative marketing professionals believe that consumers expect fresh content at their fingertips today more than ever before. However, 61% of respondents in the same study also agree that it’s challenging to meet the demands for content creation today.

In this second installment of our four-part series on dentsu Content Symphony, dentu’s Adam Lavelle discusses:

  • The major benefits of an enterprise content platform
  • How a platform supports brands and specific content owners across a maturity model of content personalization
  • The specific use cases across that model that an enterprise content platform supports

This video pulls from a session from the 2021 Adobe Summit hosted by Adam on the topic of content at scale. To see more of Adam’s Summit session, watch the full video here, or catch the first installment of this video blog series and return every two weeks for new installments to come.

If you are looking to build enterprise content capabilities to power personalization at scale for your brand, check out two new reports on the topic: