Pursuit Manager

Growth & Alliances

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About the job

The purpose of this role is to apply a standard approach to opportunity management, coordinating/supporting pitch teams to enable time savings and higher win rates. Project manages 2-5 deals at one time, depending on complexity, from qualified to close as prioritized by the Growth Officer. Provides best available content, manages pitch deck versioning, coordinates meetings, deliverables and pitch day logistics to meet deadlines and ensure quality.

Key responsibilities:
Provides project management, directional and strategic oversight to pitch/resource teams, while executing against tight timelines
Establishes relationships built on credibility, trust and service-minded approach to solve problems
Educates and supports a high-performing growth team during complex and high-stress sales pursuits
Manages the RFP response process from kickoff to submission
Creates, manages, enforces and publishes project plans, RACI’s and timelines when responding to RFIs, RFPs and presentations to prospective clients
Contributes to playbook creation, evolution and maintenance and adheres to standard process for pursuit management

Beware of Job Scams

We are aware of several scams targeting job seekers and candidates. Please be vigilant. All communication throughout the recruitment process will be from an official member of the dentsu recruitment team, using corporate email addresses (e.g., @dentsu.com or @merkle.com). We will never ask you to send money or vouchers to secure employment. If you suspect you have been a victim of a scam, please report the incident to your bank, local police, or fraud protection authority immediately. Additionally, you can report the scam to us at jobfraud@dentsu.com so we can take appropriate action to request the website is taken down. Please note that Merkle and dentsu are not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of these scams. We advise all individuals to exercise caution and verify the authenticity of any job offers or communications received.