Could Generative AI Be the Answer to Making Content at Scale Possible?

December 19, 2022, Phil Marsalona, Rusty Walters

The hype around the recent release of ChatGPT AI’s large-scale beta has taken the industry by storm. Of course, all our minds race to how we can leverage the technology in various ways, and with deadlines looming, assisting in creation of content seemed like a natural place to start.

To come to our own conclusion on the subject, we decided to give generative AI tech like ChatGPT from OpenAI a try to see how it could impact marketers. After coming up with topics and keywords, the AI took it from there.

AI Generated Content

Below is what it came up with. We’ll reconvene at the end to share our thoughts on this process:

Personalization is one of the most important methods that companies use to target their audiences. It helps marketers deliver relevant content and advertisements to customers, and it can also help improve customer engagement and conversions.

However, personalization can be a time-consuming and expensive process, especially at scale. This is where AI can help. AI can automate the process of personalization and make it more scalable. In this article, we will discuss how AI can make personalization more scalable. We will also outline some of the challenges that need to be addressed in order to make this happen.

1. Content is always the bottleneck

As your business grows, you’ll quickly realize that content is always the bottleneck. It’s easy to find someone to design your website or set up your social media accounts. But it’s much harder to find someone who can consistently produce high-quality content that is relevant to your audience.

Therefore, it’s so important to have a content strategy in place from the start. A good content strategy will help you map out the types of content you need to produce, the frequency of publication, and the channels you will use to distribute your content. Without a content strategy, you will likely end up with a hodgepodge of content that is all over the place and doesn’t really serve any purpose.

So if you’re starting a business, make sure you put a content strategy at the core.

2. AI helps scale execution on your content strategy and personalization

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in content marketing. As AI technology advances, it is becoming more and more effective at helping marketers scale their content strategies and personalize their content for individual consumers.

There are a number of different AI tools available to content marketers, including predictive analytics tools, natural language processing tools, and content recommendation tools. These tools can help marketers save time and effort by automating tasks that would otherwise be done manually. They can also help marketers better understand their audiences and deliver more relevant and personalized content.

As AI technology continues to develop, it is likely that even more AI tools will become available to content marketers. And as AI becomes more widely used in content marketing, it is likely that content marketing will become more efficient and more effective.

3. AI Natural Language Generation is the latest advancement in scaling personalized content

In recent years, there has been a growing trend in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate natural language content. This is done by using algorithms to create text that sounds as if it were written by a human.

One of the benefits of using AI for natural language generation is that it can help to scale personalized content. This is because the AI can create multiple versions of the same piece of content, each with slightly different wording, based on the preferences of the reader. This means that each reader gets a version of the content that is tailored specifically for them.

Another benefit of using AI for natural language generation is that it can help to create content that is more natural sounding and personal than if it were written by a human. This is because the AI can take into account the context of the situation and the preferences of the reader.

4. Marketers must leverage and integrate AI into their technology stack to drive personalization at scale

In conclusion, it is evident that marketers must leverage and integrate AI into their technology stack in order to drive personalization at scale. There are numerous benefits to doing so, including the ability to segment customers more effectively, improve customer retention rates, and boost customer Lifetime Value. However, one of the largest advantages may come from using AI to automate content production itself. Developments in generation technology are making it possible for a machine to provide well-written draft articles with no input from a human writer required.

Note: The content above was written using generative AI technologies.

Our Personal Take

Alright, welcome back to human-written content (we swear!). As you see, the AI’s ability to translate simple inputs (the section headings) into coherent content is impressive. The efficiency in creating all this content is also mind-boggling - the entirety of the content above was written by the AI in under 20 minutes, which includes setup of the tool and human brainstorming of the headers/prompts. While the AI-generated content above isn’t particularly insightful, the fact that it is directionally relevant to the prompts makes it already useful for content production use cases like initial ideation and generating content starters from human-generated concepts. The long-tail implications for marketing are pretty easy to see, but the content still feels quite generic and misses the mark on the intended audience. As such, there are many human-made edits that we would make to the piece above if we were intending on writing an actual insight piece on the subject matter.

Regardless of these shortcomings, the “quick and dirty” exercise above illustrates the potential for companies that begin to embrace AI. It’s not difficult to imagine a near future in which organizations adopt these technologies, train them on their own company culture, language, and knowledge base, and then deploy them at scale to make good on the promise of true 1:1 personalization. Fortunately for us humans, there’s still significant strategic thinking, oversight, and intervention needed to inject empathy, edits, and a better knowledge of the end reader. 

It’s also important to keep in mind the potential risks involved with using AI, such as the potential for data breaches, bias, and the need for marketers to continually update their skillset as AI evolves. Overall, when used correctly, AI can help marketers take their personalization efforts to the next level. Funnily enough, the AI didn’t include many of the risks involved in its generated content. Common risks that we see with this tech would be:

AI can be a powerful tool for marketers looking to create personalized content at scale. It can help to generate insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can be used to create content that is tailored to the individual. However, it’s important to be mindful of the risks and authenticity concerns that come with AI-generated content. We’ll be keeping an eye on this space in 2023 and beyond.  

Want to learn more? Chat with our technology strategy team on emerging tools like this one by reaching out to us here

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