
Whitepaper: With the CX Factory to sustainable success.

Perfect customer journeys, satisfied customers and digital success with the CX Factory.

Digital change is advancing at almost one-second intervals, while at the same time user demands are increasing. Under these conditions, it is a challenge for companies to be successful in digital business in the long term. An essential element for sustainable success is customer focus. At Namics, we rely on the CX Factory to ensure that this focus is not lost in everyday business life.

The CX-Factory enables a comprehensive understanding of your customers. Based on this knowledge, we continuously optimize customer journeys and create perfect, seamless customer experiences.

With the CX Factory you get a holistic picture of your customers. We use various methods to achieve this: 

  • Surveys and interviews
  • Discussion with focus groups 
  • ethnographic studies 
  • UX Testing
  • and much more.

The CX Factory consists of three organizational units - the CX Board, the Customer Community and the Innovation Community. Together they ensure that the results are implemented directly through targeted customer experience management.

CX Factory
The CX Factory consists of the CX Board, the Customer Community and the Innovation Community.

Compared to traditional market research, the UX Factory offers many advantages for your company

  • constantly new findings
  • comprehensive customer perspective
  • Results from different data and sources
  • Direct user feedback with reference to your business

Read our free whitepaper CX Factory: Organizing for better customer experiences to learn how to easily integrate CX Factory into your organization. In addition, several best-practice examples show you what the CX Factory can do for your company.

Download the whitepaper now.

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