Together we create digital products and services that your customers value and pay for
The Merkle lean business innovation kickstarter is a streamlined approach to identify innovation potential, define impactful ideas and co-create viable business models. We validate Go-to-market requirements in just a few weeks’ time.
Ready to turn ideas into growth?
We are here to drive your business. So let’s not wait.
Collaborate with an interdisciplinary team of experienced makers that has the skills and the entrepreneurial mindset to understand and innovate your (digital) business.
We are committed to guide you every step of the way from strategy through validation of product-market fit, to the implementation of the first MVP.
Master corporate complexity. Start lean and scale for enterprises.
We have been working with large and complex enterprises and their (legacy) architectures for 25 years. That's why we think microservice architectures from the start – an integration of innovation into complex corporate processes and system landscapes.
What are your organisation's biggest challenges?